A letter to the Editor of the Record (Bergen Record).
Dear editor:
Christianity is based on the truth that Jesus is fully God and fully human - embodied and enfleshed.
At Easter, and every Sunday, we remember and celebrate Jesus' body; lynched by an act of the empire that could not tolerate a body inconsistent with the violence necessary to support the Roman empire, yet alive, resurrected, and present in the Eucharist.
We remember that God breathed life into dirt, and declared human bodies, made in the image of God, to be very good.
We uphold, respect, and advocate for all the bodies (Queer, trans, female, Black, differently abled, poor, refugees) that are under attack from those who present a false narrative that some bodies do not matter or aren't beloved by God.
The Rev. Patt Kauffman
St. Paul Lutheran Church
941 Slocum Ave.
Ridgefield, NJ 07657
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Our Pastor, The Reverend Patt Kauffman, was invited by Ramapo College of New Jersey, to participate in the Reaffirming Trans Rights and Dignity workshop on April 14, hosted by the Women's Center and LGBTQ+ Services. We appreciate the college's warm hospitality, and the sharing of the brilliant insights of the students and staff. We hope for an ongoing spiritual relationship with Ramapo College of New Jersey!
Pastor Patt's Installation Worship Service! Click the photo!

St Paul Lutheran Church hosts a recurring food pantry, along with Never Alone Again of Teaneck, NJ, Saturdays from 11 AM to 1:00 PM.
All are welcome, no questions asked.
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