We are a church that welcomes ALL: enthusiastically
and graciously, welcoming people regardless of their
race, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or
mental ability, economic status, baptized or not, Christian or not.
All means ALL, y'all!
We are a "reconciling in Christ Congregation. That means we have met all of the criteria of the
ELCA Lutheran Organization, Reconciling Works, to fully welcome all, regardless of their race,
gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, economic status, baptized or not,
Christian or not.
At the Annual Congregational Meeting on June 9, 2002, our congregation voted and affirmed that St. Paul would become a Reconciling in Christ congregation by accepting the official “Affirmation of Welcome” as follows:
“As a community of the people of God, we are called to minister to all people of our world, knowing that the world is often an unloving place. Our world is a place of alienation and brokenness. Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. We are challenged by the Gospel to be agents of healing within our society.
We affirm with the apostle Paul that in Christ “there in neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male and female” (Galatians 3:28). Christ has made us one. We acknowledge this reconciliation extends also to those whose affectional orientation is toward a person of the same gender as well as to persons who present themselves in their preferred gender even if it differs from the gender or body into which they were born.
Because gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons are often scorned by society and alienated from the Church, we wish to make known our caring and concern. It is for this purpose that we affirm the following:
That gay, lesbian and bisexual people (that is “people of all sexual orientations”) share with all others the worth that comes from being unique individuals created by God;
That gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are welcome within the membership of this congregation upon making the same affirmation of faith that all other people make; and That as members of this congregation, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are expected and encouraged to share in the sacramental and general life of this congregation.”