The Reverend Patt Kauffman, Pastor
Sharla DeLawter
Parish Administrator, Financial Secretary
Miki Tomita
Director of Music
Loren Daniels
Musician, Artist in Residence
Robert John Jacoby Sr.
Property Manager
William Kauffman
Director of Communications
Patricia Akridge
Food Pantry Manager
+ + +
Church Council
Elizabeth Lowe, Church Council President
Reverend Cassana Akridge, Pastoral Associate. Council Member.
Barbara Berstengel, Council Secretary
Wayne Olsen, Treasurer
Wayne has been accepted at Wartburg Seminary in Iowa! He will begin his studies on the path to being ordained in the Lutheran Church.
God bless and guide his journey!
Monica Ziegler, Council member
Gail Allen, Council Vice President
Myrtice Lavender, Council Member
Susan Rasor, Council Member
Robert Hubbard, Council Member